Hildie Block's Workshops

Fall 2024 Workshops
These workshops have been running since 2006, and they take you through the entire process of writing, workshopping, editing and selling your Novel or Memoir. Each workshop runs through July. To Register, click "Book Now"
Write Your Book I --First Year
This workshop allows your to share your book as you write in 30ish page chunks. We will discuss structure, character, worldbuilding and everything else through publishing and queries.
Mondays, starting October 21 7-9:30pm
Write Your Book II+--- Second/Third Year
If you are looking at this, you know the score. We will workshop and sharpen our skills while supporting each other.
Tuesdays, starting October 22, 2:30-5pm
Finish It Boot Camp-- Follow up Years
This program is not a workshop, but a support program to help you reach your goals. If you meet your goals, you get $100 back!
4 Mondays, starting Oct 7, Oct 28, Nov 18, Dec 16 4-6 pm
Also available at www.writer.org
Flash Fiction, 10/6-11/5 Tuesdays 10am-12:30pm
Structure Your Book 11/12-11/26 10-12:30pm

Office Hours and
"Shut Up and Write"
Free Virutal Meetings
1) Shut Up and Write, Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:45-8:30 am. Free and open to everyone. Cameras on, mics off, prompts provided. Join us!
Registration Link
2) Hildie's Office Hours, Saturday, 9-10 am. Open to current and previous students only.
Registration Link